OK. This is a pretty neat story (I think). I spent this weekend repairing a storage shed that we got a long time ago and have hauled all over North Texas. My wife's sister (my pesky sister-in-law) had a friend who was flipping houses and he bought a house that had 2 storage sheds on them and he wanted them moved. He wanted one and was willing to give the other away (if you moved his for him). That being said somehow my pesky sister-in-law calls my wife who calls me and we agree that of course we want a free shed (really had no place to put it but hey, it's free) and of course we can move them both for you (like we had ever done anything like that before). So we call Papa (no, he had never done it either but he's always game and he had lots of tools and equipment) and we take a Saturday and a trailer and a bunch of blocks and a come-along and a tractor jack and we set to work on moving that 1st shed to the owner's house. That took about 10 hours and about 10 people. The next day we go back for our shed. This time we are down to 4 people and I think it took us about 4 or 5 hours to load it (we were taking it to some land Papa owned about 50 miles away the next weekend), we had definitely got through the learning curve.
Anyway.... The next weekend me, the Mrs., Mimi and Papa all load up to haul this shed to it's (temporary) new home. We are cruising along at 635 and I-30 (highways in the DFW area) when the trailer hitch came loose. We were passed by the trailer with shed attached and watched in awe as it took the next exit (in a construction zone) and fell off a 2 foot embankment. Fortunately angels were flying with us and held that building on the trailer. I guy in a front end loader was right there and helped us load it back on and away we went.
A few years later God leads us to the Pearl and we go and load this shed up again (3 this time) and haul it here where it has been ever since.
Since this shed is around 20 years old it has a few issues. Most recently it has began to rot so this weekend I decided would be a good time to get it back into some decent shape to try and make another 10 year run (I hope!).
I got out my trusty saws-all and circular saw and went to work. The Mrs. seemed sceptical but didn't say a word as I tore into the old decayed and rotted wood.
Fortunately it was minimal and only at the front so I had little to replace. Just one floor joist and about half the front wall and some flooring at front.
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