Well, finally after many months of hard work the county Jr. Livestock show has finally come and gone. The whipper-snappers worked long and hard and they finally showed (and sold) their animals.
Here are the boys right before the county show.
Bub just before going into the ring. The whipper-snappers fed their animals twice a day, tied them out each day, walked them and worked with them almost daily. It becomes a part of our daily routine.
Sister just before entering the ring.
Bub gets some last minute show pointers from our chapter Ag teacher. You can see by the goofy look on his face that she is about ready to knock him into next week. Bub thinks of himself as quite the comedian.
Sister showing. Sisters steer went south on us this year. Luck of the draw but she still worked him and did a good job in the ring. She got 8Th place in her class.
Bub's steer did much better and if we had had another month he may have done a bit better. He was 5Th place in his class.
Bub's steer was sold to a local buyer who will be putting it in their freezer. Bub pretty much understands the purpose behind the cattle business.
Sissy saying goodbye to Sisters steer Oreo.
Oreo also is going in a freezer...mine! Sister understands as well but it's harder for her. Girls and animals, ya know?
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago
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