This weekend Clan Daniel ventured south for a family reunion! This was family from my wife's father's mother's side of the family if that made any sense. What it boiled down to for me was spending a Saturday with a bunch of folks I have either never met or met a few times along the way of our 17 years of wedded bliss. Beating you say????? Surprisingly...NO! As a matter of fact we all had a grand time and are ready to go do it again next weekend (of course no one is actually inviting us anywhere next weekend).
Since we knew it was a couple of hours away we decided to pack our tent and sleeping bags and crash the camping spot Mimi and Papa had already paid for.
We wanted to go down Friday night so we didn't have all that driving to do on Saturday. The weather was perfect for sleeping in a tent and the whipper-snappers had a great time sleeping out.
Saturday morning we rolled out of bed, showered and where off to the reunion where the whipper-snappers played in lots of dirt, met cousins they never knew existed and fished all day.
These pics are of the different families that were in attendance. I will not try and name everyone since I don't use real names in my blog, have no possible way to provide nicknames for all, and couldn't possibly remember the nicknames even if I did give them as I can't remember from one post to the next which daughter I call what.
Needless to say they are all a nice bunch of folks that we can't wait to get to spend more time with.
This is the family that hosted the event, nice bunch of folks and apparent gluttons for punishment.
I know these folks... you've seen them in past blogs.
These too.
And these.
This is the Baker portion of the family that was in attendance. We go on vacation with these characters every 3 years.
Me, the Mrs., the whipper-snappers and Mimi and Papa.
A nice shot of my in-laws.
A bunch of kiddo's hanging around a horse. This horse was north of 30 and just as sweet as can be.
The whole family went on a hayride. Good times.
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago
I just realized that we are quasi-related. The Bakers, Charlie and Beverly are cousins of mine through my father's sister, Beulah. I saw them again at my father's funeral in Tyler last February and got to meet them again after a number of years. Interesting that I should come across your post.
ReplyDeleteAnd the chili looks great.
God bless you.