Another Saturday in the Pearl and a big project under way. We are in preparation for the whipper-snappers new steers coming soon. We have the barn (next big project is build new horse barn) and now we need a corral. We were finally able to have a Saturday to attack this project so we arose before sunrise and got after it. We have 14 - 8 foot cedar posts that we had to get into the ground and we knew it was going to be a long day. The cedar posts are from Bakersfield and some are 12 inches in diameter.
We got out the post hole diggers and we went to work. This is back-breaking work and there is no way I could have gotten it done in one day without the Mrs. help.
She is a trooper. I did the first 5 holes and then she jumped in and grabbed a couple as I started loosing steam. Each hole has to be 3 feet deep and 14 to 16 inches wide.
Great form. All those morning workouts are paying off this day.
It was a beautiful day to be working outside.
Finally, we had them all dug. I dug 9 and the Mrs. 5. Now all we had to do was concrete them in.
We needed help.
Fortunately the goats were there.
So we started mixing concrete and tamping in dirt to set the posts. The goats were absolutely no help with this. It may be because of not having hands, or a brain.
Thankfully though Sister was here to save the day. Notice the roller blades? She's a multi-tasker.
Cute though ain't she?
Finally after a L O N G day of digging and setting, we had each post set. Tomorrow we start attaching the enclosure.
Looks good don't it?
Of course after a long work day the Mrs. had to go and play with Babe.
We are supposed to eat this steer some day. Yeah, right.
We needed help.
By the way, do you really think that we dug 14 -3 foot holes by hand and set them in concrete? Not us! We had a guy come over last night and paid him and his guys to dig the holes. He did in 45 minutes with a bobcat and auger what it would have taken us 3 days to do. We are still very happy with all we got done.
That's cheating and telling stories and leading me to believe you did all that then burst my bubble. That's wrong! Very wrong! Love ya, Aunt Bev.