OK, so I'm out in the barn messing with the horses and I look over and see a 5 foot rat snake making his way across the corral. He heads to a pile of cedar posts and I go after him.... the Mrs. comes out about this time with a hoe (I use the handle end/ don't want to kill a useful snake) and we get him moving along. Then we turn around and BAM! There's a second one!
This one isn't as big as the first one but the whipper-snappers thought the ol' man was pretty cool catching it.
Of course Bub had to man-up and hold the snake as well. All three of the whipper-snappers were there but you notice the smallest one is no where to be seen. She wanted nothing to do with this snake!
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago
Do these lil' hillbillies never wear shoes!!! For the record, Clan Daniel can afford shoes!!!