Well, I am finally getting caught up. After tonight I have no new pics sitting on the computer waiting to be blogged. All I have to do now is wait untill Christmas and I can be behind all over again. Speaking of Christmas I hope that I get an opportunity to post something on that topic. I seam to be developing some pretty strong opinions on this particular holiday.
Enough of that. Two weeks ago Bub and Sissy took their steers to Denton for a good sized show that will hopefully prepare them for the Ft. Worth stock show and rodeo.
We arrived at around 9:30 am and began all the prep work for getting the steers ready for the show which was supposed to begin at 1:00 but actually got rolling at 3:00.
There is a lot of work getting these things ready for the judges. This particular show was actually 2 shows, so there was a lot of competing to be done.
Sissy and Bub both started out competing against each other in the Jr. showmanship competition. Sissy's steer was not interested in performing at this time and made it very hard on her.
Bub's steer was much more cooperative and he did a great job! As a matter of fact I think he was robbed! I'm the dad though and I guess that's my job. In the breed show he took 2nd place in his weight division. It got him a ribbon but it wasn't what he was shooting for since his sister had already showed.
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