Hello and Merry Christmas to all my blog friends! I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as clan Daniels has been. I had a wonderful experience this morning that I have never had in all my 41 years on Earth. Today we had a white Christmas in the Pearl! Of course because I am so old and such a sap, I started thinking about past Christmases with people who are no longer with us and I got a little melancholy. I guess it's not a bad thing to remember those from your childhood who helped make all those Christmas memories special. I was drinking cold hot-chocolate (a tradition began by my Grandmother) and considering how quickly my own kids were growing up and well, the water works started coming. Anyway, It was a great morning.
This is our home on a snowy Christmas day. I took this at around 7:00 am. There was not a lot of snow but it was there.
I tried to explain to the whipper-snappers just what a special event this was but I just don't think they quite got it.
The horses were out early getting into the hay. It was a cold night with a really hard wind. I know they must have been happy to see the sun.
The chickens on the other hand did not seem to have the appreciation for the snow quite like I did.
I just love to take pics of our home. It's not much of a house I guess by today's standards, but a home that no other can compete with in my mind. God is so good to me and I really don't deserve all His love and blessing.
The fire pit... I think I was just really excited to have a white Christmas.
Funny thing about 2009, actually it's a great thing, you can see how your extended families are spending their holiday. This is the Mrs. aunt and uncle, their kids and families. They sent us a pic this morning and I was so excited to see it I decided to memoralize them in my blog. No need for everyone else to get jealous, just send me a pic!

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