Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: Life
It was a sad day last week for “the crazy chicken lady”. The crime had been discovered, but the criminal was still at large. There was a trail of feathers…until he was found…there was blood on his paws…feathers stuck in his teeth…my precious Yorkshire Terrier, Bo had committed the senseless slaughter of one of my beloved Rhode Island Reds!
The trial was held immediately and all the facts were weighed. (We must not forget the most important fact of the pecking order around here: chickens=eggs and Bo=poop, nuf said!) With that the verdict was in and the jury, me, determined his sentence for the crime of First Degree Chicken Slaughter would be: Life Indoors! So, like a scene from a jail house movie, he was washed, shaved practically bald and smacked with delousing powder.
Now, living indoors does not sound bad for most of us that enjoy air conditioning and cushy furniture, but Bo loves the outdoors. I would say he loves the fresh air but that is hard to say because he normally can’t smell anything through the skunk cologne he chooses to wear. Since his bath he now smells better and my four year old, Faith thinks he looks much better especially in her dress-up clothes! That’s right along with his sentence imprisoned behind these walls Bo will serve his time dressed in a pink tutu, emasculating isn’t it and yet still I smile!
Well, I guess this will be Bo’s life from now on and unless he can manage to start shooting out some eggs he has just been taken down a notch or two.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with the column "Whichever Way the Wind Blows" it is an article that is published in the small town newspaper where we live written by the Mrs. The Mrs. was asked by some faithful readers to publish it here on the clan Daniel blog. So, here is the latest way the wind is blowin' in the pearl!
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago
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