This is one of our favorite summertime recipe's. I thought we would add it here so you can try it at home. We have a good friend (K) who
tries to take credit for this recipe but she totally stole it from us! This is chicken breast that we marinade in Bacardi Margarita mix (frozen) with fresh squeezed lime and fresh cilantro. We did not have long to marinade this (usually overnight) so we stabbed it w/ a fork and added salt to make a make-shift brine and it worked well after about an hour.

Here are the other players; chopped onion, Monterrey jack cheese, fresh cilantro, avocado, and fresh lime.

Black beans as well.

Grill the chicken. The Mrs. always grills chicken, me beef. It works better for us.

Fry corn tortillas in vegetable oil. Not crisp , just dip in and then back out.

Ready for the cutting.

Cut the chicken.

The finished product. Place some cheese on the tortillas, then chicken, avocado, beans, onions, cilantro, and then squeeze a lime wedge over the top. A little kosher salt and your ready to start eating. Enjoy!
Looks YUMMY! We'll have to try it! Thanks for the recipe and photos. We are really enjoying your blog and think you are doing a super job. I know nothing about blogs and this is the first one I've really looked at and tried to manuever. So far, so good. Looking forward to visiting it many more times. I especially love the photos.