My life is full of should offs, could offs and would offs. This had the potential to be the single greatest post my little blog has ever seen. I also had the potential of winning $10,000.00 and being on T.V. I also had the potential to kill myself with a large portion of my immediate family in attendance.
We at Bakersfield, from time to time, need a branch cut out of our way. This particular branch was not particularly in our way but it did have a rather unpleasing aesthetic quality to it so...
The bad news is our video camera had a dead battery so the Mrs. was unable to film the entire event even though she had the foresight (and 17 years of wedded bliss to me experience) to attempt filming expecting that an America's Funniest Home Video's moment would soon break out.
Better luck next time!
Lovin the blog, but the boy is complaining there is no post about the "Buddy Burners"!!!