Another weekend around the homestead for clan Daniel. This is not a bad thing mind you. It's actually what I live for. When you put 200 to 300 miles a day in the course of a normal work day, staying home is just about the greatest thing a body can do. This time of year everything starts to get really busy and quiet weekends at home get to be few and far between. The boy started football practice last week. That's every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:00 to 8:00. When the games start they will be on Saturdays. Sister will be cheering this year as well. Same practice and game times. School starts in a couple of weeks and all 3 will be in school. It's hectic but I guess its just life.
I have no idea why I am putting this pic of part of our living room here except I noticed that we have never finished hanging pics on the wall since we put the new floor down and re-painted. I guess we should get around to that.
The Mrs. on a Monday working on her paper. She is the editor of our local paper and Mondays are "the" day. Nothing else happens on Mondays. Notice the items on the table? Computer, cell phone, Bible and super sized bottle of extra strength Tylenol! Whatever. I keep a low profile on Mondays.
Over the summer the girls have began having slumber parties with each other.They share a room, so what makes a slumber party different from any other day? Sleeping together in the top bunk of the bunk beds.
Jake. Just because.
Bub ready for bed. He won't admit it but he has been getting into the slumber party thing with his sisters from time to time. He sleeps in the bottom bunk in the girls rooms. He really treats his sisters well and it is so great to see the bond that the 3 of them have. I pray that they stay close forever.
OK, so Saturday we got ambitious along the fence row. We have had a large tree in the back pasture that we have always talked of hanging a swing on but there were so much growth around it you just couldn't get near it. Fortunately the horses and goats have really done a job in getting it cleaned out so the Mrs. and myself got out the chainsaw and the loppers and went to work.
We don't have the swing up yet (or the hammock which we also have a place for) but we should shortly.
Wanted to give an idea of how much we cut out from under that tree.
See the horse standing next to it? Bonfire shortly.
You know, we worked our tails off Saturday (100 + degrees out there) but had a great time. Sunday we went to church and just had an awesome experience. We recently celebrated our 7Th anniversary in "the pearl" and have been at this church almost as long. I have never had such an overwhelming feeling that we are exactly where God wants us to be. I truly believe that He guided us to this community to serve in this church. God is good...all the time!
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