What a jam-packed, action filled day here in the Pearl at the clan Daniel homestead. The Mrs. and I started our day as we are most likely to start any Saturday, on the front porch with a cup of coffee. This day was a special day on the porch in that we watched 2 deer in the pasture next to us for quite a time. The deer here in the Pearl usually don't come that far out of the bottoms and to tell you the truth they seemed a bit confused.
Next I started trimming then trees along the front fence row next to the road. When we moved to the Pearl this was a really grown up area and I worked long and hard at getting that area under control.
It's been about 3 years since I trimmed on these trees and they really needed it.
Funny though, like most things I guess you don't realize how bad something is until you start working at it. The fence row looks much better now though.
It took 4 pick-up loads to haul all of the brush to the burn pile.
The girlie-girls hung out with daddy while I worked on the trees. They didn't help me much though because they were too busy...
Riding their bikes!
The whole time I was working on the trees , these two were up and down the road.

After trimming the trees I went down and helped the Mrs. with the animals.
They all seemed to be enjoying a beautiful fall Saturday in Texas!
The Mrs. was working with the steers. That is an everyday occurrence.
I took a pic of the gate and a post. Don't know why, I just thought it was cool.
Then we all had to load up and head to Alvarado for Bub and Sissy's football game.
I like to run the chains during the game. It gives me the best seat in the house.
Here you can see Bub (#16) blocking as the Panthers drive for a score.
While Sissy and Sister cheer their Bubby on!
After the game (Panthers win 12-0) Mr. Happy poses for a pic with my two beauties. After the game we all went back home. Bub and Nannie went shopping for Bub's 12Th birthday. The Mrs. and I hauled the rest of the branches to the burn pile then we spent some more time with the steers. After it got dark we ate hot-dogs and watched a movie.

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