Do you ever get the feeling that you missed something along the way? Do you ever stop and wonder if this is all there is? Don't get me wrong. God has totally Blessed my life in ways that I could never have hoped for. I have a beautiful wife, three great kids, family and friends too numerous to count. We have a roof over our heads, plenty of food to eat, we are warm in the winter and stay cool in the summer. God placed us in a wonderful town and put us in an awesome church and has drawn us closer and closer to Him over the last almost decade.
But there are times that I wonder if I missed something. Am I doing what I was created to do? I get the feeling at times that my whole life is get up, go to work, come home, work some more, go to a meeting, go to bed and then get up and do it all over again. There is a list of things a mile long that I want to do,mostly work around the home place, and I get the feeling that I get about 6 hours a week to do it. Needless to say I never come close to getting it all done.
How do you break the cycle? How do you make the time to do what you want to do in life? I'm not talking about climbing a mountain or seeing the world, I'm talking about building a barn or riding a horse or building a chicken house or trimming the trees. These are the things I don't seem to have the time to do.
My mother-in-law made a statement a long time ago that the more money you make the more of your soul they want and I guess that is true to a certain extent. I don't make that much money so I can't begin to imagine what really financially successful people have to deal with. All I know is that I've got to find some me time at some point. I volunteer for just about everything so part is my fault for not saying no but I thought that's what grown-ups did. Maybe I'm just getting old!