No day can be right if you don't start out with a good breakfast. The Mrs. and I have so much to get done on a Saturday that there is no way we can cook the normal big country breakfast. Early risers we ain't. So we down a couple of cups of coffee on the porch and get to work. That is the beauty of having an 11 year old who is addicted to eggs. The boy can cook. And since he seems to enjoy it so much why not have him cook for his sisters as well?
We had already broken ground on the garden several times so it was ready to plant. The rain that was expected for Friday had not been the gully-washer that we had assumed would come so the Mrs. was determined to get the job underway. I was determined to at least get all materials required to complete the show barn on site and get all those cedars in a ready to use position.
We have beautiful dirt here at the homestead and this year we have decided to double the size of previous years gardens.
This is the new spot. It is about 500 sq. feet smaller than the usual site and this will have corn, peas and beans exclusively.
Sister is turning into quite the helper. Bub was helping me all day and Sissy had a friend over from out of town, so Sister pitched in with mom and worked as best she could to help get it planted and watered.
Chip off the old block. Looks just like her mama planting.
Somewhere along the way it was determined that the new bull needed a bath. All the girls were willing and able to help with that.
The planting continues. If we get good weather we will have enough food to eat fresh vegetable all summer and canned ones all winter. Not only does this help to offset the grocery bill but it continues teaching the whipper-snappers self-sufficiency and self reliability. Traits that are quickly disappearing in American society.
One side all planted and ready to grow. Hopefully the other side will be in before the end of the week.
Bub and I took all the cedar posts we brought from Bakersfield and cut them into 6 foot and 8 foot posts to be used on the show barn and around the fence in general. Once again not paying for something that God has readily provided.
As with any Saturday there must be some play time. Mud is always an easy draw for whipper-snappers. Mud pies are a good solid form of entertainment.
After muddy clothes always follows inappropriate trampoline jumping. 5 Year olds are happy to jump in underwear only. If I could only convince the Mrs. to try this I would be a happy man.
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago
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