We (clan Daniel) are out in east Texas this week for our annual pilgrimage to the place we lovingly refer to as Bakersfield. We spend each Thanksgiving here with the whole family and love every minute of it. I decided I had better not wait till it was over to blog as I would have too many pics.

Here Papa and Bub stand over a deer shot by the Mrs. (they were dragging it up to camp for her.)

Here is a pic of Sissy i n the camper. Ain't she purty!

Here is clan Daniel in the camper last night.

Me cleaning the Mrs. deer. How did I end up doing this?

The Mrs. and her deer.

Me and Bub only saw does this morning so I shot one... with a camera.

There's a deer back there I promise.

After hunting all morning the kids decided to target practice with pellet guns this afternoon.

Bub being cocky!

They also rode the go-cart a lot today. They are building a very close relationship down here that I hope lasts.

The Mrs. spent the day working on the paper. Fun huh?

Papa got in on the pellet gun shooting as well.

Mimi, Papa and Nannie waiting for supper.

kids riding the go-cart.

The smoker I will be cooking on a lot this week. Also the dutch oven. I love this kind of cooking.

Cool ain't it!

The whole family waiting on me to feed them!

My mother felt sure I would not post this pic of her on the blog! Ha!!!

My mother in law also felt confident that I did not have the courage to post this pic. Do these women not know me? Do they think that I am somehow afraid of their wrath? Give me a break.
I love you Mimi... I love you Nannie.... Don't mess with me ladies! MUAHAAHAAAHAAA!!!!!!!!
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