Every Labor Day weekend clan Daniel loads up the travel trailer and heads east to the Mrs. families farm and camps, gets ready for deer season and leaves our travel trailer until after the new year.
This year we decided to forgo our long weekend trip and stay home to re-floor the whipper-snappers rooms. We intended to pull up the carpet and stain the floors, after removing the carpet we determined that that was not an option so we decided to tile both floors.
The Mrs. does the bulk of the artistic type work like laying tiles to be square and uniform.
Dad man's the saw and does the bulk of the tile cutting.
Seems a huge windstorm came thru and played havoc on the homestead. We knew that there was a storm but had no idea that this had happened.
The next morning Nannie called asking what was in our garden. When we went out to see we found our barn.
We went to bed Monday night feeling quite proud of our accomplishments with the tile until Tuesday morning when we awoke to this...
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