Clan Daniel has been running a hundred miles an hour since the dawn of 2011. So much so that I have had to neglect my blogging. This doesn't mean that the pics aren't piling up, it just means that I have a lot of blogging to catch up.
We will start with a project that Nannie has been wanting me to tackle for her. She asked me to screen in her back porch. The first nice weekend that we had in 2011 we decided to tackle it. Nannie went out of town with Sissy so me, Bub ,Sister and the Mrs. went to work to get-r-done!
Here Bub tackles the ram setting. This handy little tool uses a .22 caliber load to shoot a nail through the wood and into the concrete.
Sister thought this seemed to be big fun and she wanted to try. After this she seemed to bore rather quickly with the whole process and spent the rest of the day playing on her bicycle and scooter.
Bub on the other hand was with us through a good portion of the initial construction. He too drifted away when the work started to become a little tedious.
But through the framing he and the Mrs. where there lending full support. A nail gun sure speeds the process.
Bub was a big help with the measuring and sawing.
We started out at 16 inch centers and decided that was too close together so we took them all down and started over at 24 inch centers.
Bub had to give the nailer a try as well. He handled it so well we let him build the header.
The Mrs. couldn't stand aside and let me and Bub have all the fun so she snatched the nailer from her poor son, knocked him aside and went after it herself. Bub is just out of eye shot in a pool of tears.
We got this far in about half a day. Went pretty fast but slowed from this point. We lost Bub around this time.
This is about as far as we got at the end of day one. Framing and siding complete. No door, screen, caulk or paint. A good start none the less.
A good day of work. Nannie will be pleased with the finished product.
She better like it because I was pooped!