As you can probably tell by reading this blog I am not a fan of paying others to do what I think I can do. There are times that it seems too far out of reach and I will hire others to do the job for me but for the most part The Mrs. and me are do-it yourself'ers. This can be a problem when you have more projects to do than you can seem to get done in what little free time there is in life. This self-sufficient-ism is a trait I would like to pass on to the whipper-snappers so with that being said it was time to change the Mrs. oil in our 15 year old suburban and I recruited the help of my first born to learn the process.
After getting the vehicle up on ramps we crawl under to empty out the old oil and change the filter.
I believe that you learn best by getting your hands dirty
and I knew that with the oil filter replacement Bub would find out just how dirty it can be.
This is why I want him to learn this. I don't like this part at all.
After the old oil is out and the filter removed I show Bub how tight to put the new one on.
Then he starts putting the new oil in.
But wait Bub, this is a full service shop. Gotta fill up the wiper fluid.
Top off the brake fluid.
Check the power steering fluid.
Top off the anti-freeze.
Then Bub slowly backs the truck down the ramps.
After letting the engine run we check the oil level.
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago