What has clan Daniel been up too? A bunch! We are so busy most of the time we can't keep it all straight. I don't have time to give this blog all I should but I will give what I can when I can. A couple of weeks ago Bub and I went deer hunting. It was youth weekend in Texas so only he could hunt.
It was a rather chilly morning and we saw a lot of deer but mostly does. We saw nothing to shoot at all weekend but had a good time anyway.
We will be going back next weekend and I expect better luck.It should be colder and the bucks will be more sprightly I hope.
Bub was the only one who could hunt two weeks ago. We will both be packing this next time.
The weekend we were hunting also turned out to be my 42ND birthday. When I got home my youngest gave me a present that she wrapped herself.
Next came Halloween, the girlie girls dressed up as felines of some type. One was a leopard and one was a cheetah I think. We went to an activity at church and then around town for some trick or treating.
The boy was an axe murderer. I was not pleased but I assume this will be his last year w/ Halloween.
I'm also currently working on re-finishing a table we bought for our kitchen. We sold our other table and chairs (it was just too big for the space) and bought this table from some friends.
I think it will go really nice in our house when I'm done.
We have been eating off our card table for a couple of months so the idea of having a real table and chairs is rather appealing.
I'll post some finished pics when I'm done.
Meet Buster. He is the Mrs. new boxer given to her by a friend. We had to get a new boxer because we lost our first one, Butch.
First Litter of Rabbits of 2025
2 months ago
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