OK, back to clan Daniels Colorado vacation. First day we were there we were treated to a shrimp feast by one of the Mrs. aunts. It was great.

We went the next day on a hike around a glacial lake and then up to a water fall.

This is Anna and Fred.

Bub on a rock

Mimi and Papa. Still in love.

Bub at a shooting gallery in town.

Sister and Keaton (cousin) eating a sucker on a rock.

Sister behind a tree.

Fred at Bear Lake.

Sissy and Cassidy. Cousins.

Sissy at shooting gallery.

Sissy at Bear lake.

Sissy's Colorado doo.



Rocky Mountain National Park - map


A table full of first cousins. No out-laws. This really is an exceptionally good looking family ain't it?

2ND cousins.
These are GREAT!!! Gosh,we had fun.