Well, as seems to be the norm with my blog these days, I am really behind. Clan Daniel has been very busy of late and I am getting further and further behind. This weekend was beautiful and it is really giving me spring fever, but I still need to post these pics of the Texas blizzard 2010.

This is a pic of our fire pit. Totally covered in snow.

I thought this was a cool pic.

The home place. Really pretty in the spring and covered in snow.

My gorgeous gals on a big snowball.

Snowball fight - country style!

Here is something you don't get to do too often in the Pearl- shovel snow!

Something else you don't get to do in Texas too much is ride down snowy hills. The Mrs. gives it a go.

We don't usually worry about drifts either.

Texas kids rarely see this much snow. We have to do it all. Including snow men.

7 1/2 inches. We got another 2 inches about a week later.

Dad has to take a turn.

Sissy rides down!

Knee deep!

Horses still gotta eat.

Sister goes down the hill.

I think the animals could do without the snow.

Climbing on the hay.

The old home place.