Friday, December 17, 2010

The last of the Thanksgiving holiday!

These are the last of our Thanksgiving holiday pics. Just some shots of some of the fun activities we do while at Bakersfield. Mimi and Papa were married on Thanksgiving some time around the turn of the last century. I think they are in their 1o2ND year of marriage or something. A great model of all a marriage really can be. You just need a tractor.
Sister is finally getting her turn to be the lead tractor driver. In clan Daniel proficiency in tractor driving is required by your 8Th birthday.

She's getting the hang of it and looking cute while doing so.

Crossword puzzles were a big player this year. It was a community effort.

Our new puppy Buster was on hand for the festivities this week. He's all tied up (both figuratively and literally).

Mimi and Papa's dog was there as well so the girlie-girls had plenty of outdoor dogie fun.

I think the puppies were pretty tired by the end of the week.

The BIL makes his own chain mail. He was making this one for my pesky sister-in-law.

BIL spent a lot of his free time in this position.

My pesky sister-in-law in new battle ready metal shirt. Dorks!

Since the pesky sister-in-law is an avid biker (both pedal and motor) she tried to help Bub fix his ride.

I think it's still broke.

We also broke out a couple of puzzles this year for some wholesome family fun.

We had 2. One 500 piece and one 1000 piece.

500 piece done in 2 days. We brought the 1000 piece home in the box! Maybe next year.

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