Sunday, July 5, 2009

VBS and our garden to date

Hello all,
Wow , what a busy week and weekend. This week was vacation bible school at church so the Mrs. and the whipper-snappers were very busy all week. They did VBS at night this year for the first time and it seemed to work out pretty well. Lots of adults were on hand to help out and all seemed to have a good time. Thursday night was family night were the kids performed some of the songs they learned through the week. Above is our oldest girl (Sissy) singing and performing for the crowd.
Our oldest (Bub) during the week showing his most awesomest balloon kicking skills to a girl in his class.

The youngest girl (sister) performing mid stage.

She's not a ham at all.

Here are some pics of our garden to this point. We have done very well this year with all sorts of veggies. These are some green tomatoes. This is by far the best Tomato crop we have had in years.

We will be canning a ton of tomato's for sauces, hot sauce, and other uses through the year.

This is an okra plant. Okra will continue long after all else has played out.

These are cantaloupe. This is only our 2ND year to try cantaloupe. Promising so far, but we haven't harvested anything yet. They are a little larger than a softball right now. We really need some rain.

An overview of the garden looking toward the fire pit. Taken July 3rd.

A different view.

Again, a different view.

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